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Version: AMF v5.x.x

Writing and Using OpenApi 3 Components

What you'll learn

  • What an OpenApi 3 Component is
  • How to write OpenApi 3 Components
  • How to use OpenApi 3 Components in your AMF Configuration setup

What is an OpenApi 3 Component ?

An "OpenApi 3 Component" is a semantically valid OpenApi api spec that is defined with an empty Paths Object.

The reason for writing a file of this type is to be able to reuse any item within the Components Object throughout several APIs.

Writing an OpenApi 3 Components file

Writing an OpenApi 3 components file is the same as writing an OpenApi 3 API specification with fewer fields. An API author must consider the following aspects:

  • The only valid fields at the document root level are: openapi, info, components, paths.
  • The only valid fields in the "info" object are "title" and "version". For reference: Info Object
  • The "paths" key must be an empty object.

A minimal valid "OpenApi 3 Component" definition without defined components is:

openapi: 3.0.0
title: My Components File
version: "1.0"
paths: {}

Using an OpenApi 3 Component in your AMF Configuration setup

To load an use Component definitions in an AMF Configuration given an API Spec, an API author should:

  1. Parse the component file with the OasConfiguration.OAS30Component or OasConfiguration.OASComponent predefined configurations
  2. Load the parsed BaseUnit into a UnitCache implementation
  3. Load the UnitCache instance with the loaded units in the AMFConfiguration that will be used to parse the API Spec.
  4. Parse the API Spec

This process can be seen in the examples below.

Note: to use a Components definition file from another Components definitions file an API author must follow the same steps as above.

OpenApi 3 components Usage Code Examples

Code extracted from the examples GitHub repository.